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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Time passes fast..Has been almost 2 month since i blogged and i can smell my POP coming..My reflection of my stay in BMT as a Ninja recruit..

should start with what i had learnt during this period of time..i believe that everything that i did in BMT serves a purpose..its just how you see it and how willing are you to accept the purpose..for me, i hated route marches the most..initially, i thought why do we have to march when we have toners to send us from point to point..but as i continue thinking, life is just like a route march..
once you start there's no point in turning back or falling out..it's more of a process..in the process, you can see and assess people's character..When they are tired, all the shit starts to come out..

There are a lot more things that shows people..Most importantly, the things we do differentiates the shit from the rest..

The worst periods during my stay in BMT..Firstly confinement period.17 days is seriously too long..both mentally and physically exhausting..it's really something very very new to me..like cutting of from civilisation..i thought it was the worst thing that ever happened to me until 10 of feb comes..field camp really sucks big time..have camou cream on your face for 6 days..totally cut of from people close to you..the 6 days in the jungle, i felt like shit..as in dont feeling like doing anything much..i am willing to exchange it for another 17 days of confinement in camp..the worst of all is my injury period..which is now..overstrained my calf muscles..cant participate in most of the activities..i had to sturggle through all the major events..IPPT, Sandard Obstacle Course and the 16 km route march.. although i know that i've done my best under the current conditions, but deep down, i know that's not my best..the feeling of not able to archieve your personnal best is really bad..

After next week,after the 24km route march BMT will be over and more shitty things will come..it's just like going on another route march..

onsighted the moon@
2:17 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

TIME FLIES!still remember the first time i posted is a long time ago, due to the help of rachel the computer pro who loves to wear t-shirt,jeans and two billabong boardshorts..k..random..

have not been blogging for the past few days..enjoying my last few days of freedom..in less then a day's time, my hair will be as short as my eye lashes and shouting "YES SIR! YES SIR!" everywhere i go..quite excited..company-platoon-sections-buddy..i want more friends to be in my platoon..

today limzy taught us an important lesson..should be applicable in my NS life..he says:"every man for himself"..such a good teacher!Rong Jun is so lucky to be in the same company as limzy the philosopher..

the next two weeks, i have to wash my own clothes..WITHOUT A WASHING MACHINE!jogger will be my middle name..at this point of time, i've forgotten what it feels like to feel breathless..not that i've been training, but the other way round..two weeks without my bed, com, tv and shalynn..new experience ba..maybe can find other gay partners..hmm..recruit TAN X H is a potential partner=)

a new perspective..i only consider those who'll experience NS life as adults..so those who are not, sorry..children for life..and YOU can stop bragging about being older than me by SIX days..

my feelings?excited yet mixed up..my life is going to change..the next chapter of life..hope that the change is good..will definitely miss you!

onsighted the moon@
4:20 PM

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Day 1
the hotel i stayed in is cool.You can see what the person is going in the bathroom from outside.all you need to do was to pull the blinds.popcorn and a cup of drink is all you need to enjoy a R21 show.

Day 2
Went to an island call tangaloma to visit the desert and the dolphins.never had the chance to touch the dolphins due to the rain.zzz.become very cold.shiver like mad.

I found out that this is the name of the beach i when to=)

this is me, my manservant and my personal boat.haha.

Beautiful sunset.cant really see this is singapore.even if you can find it, it will not be this nice.

Day 3
Went for shopping and a winery which makes the best wine.

For some reason, this winery has soon sheep.from the picture, you can see a horny and curious sheep.maybe he's the first singaporean it sees in its entire sheep life.

Day 4
Went to a theme park called dreamworld.Fun fun fun.

But din cross the minimum height.cant play the thrilling games.haha.good excuse.

I went to bikini bottom to pay spongebob a visit.but he was not there=(

In the end, i found him.!took a picture.i realised that spongebob and i have something in common.we found something more interesting=)only my bro was so engrossed in take a photo of him and spongebob.

Day 4
Movie world is the home of many cartoon characters.another theme park.

can you all see the resemblance.?

This is one of the rides. called superman escape.Best.

Trying to act cute.of course, not on his own accord.i tricked him into wearing it.haha.so gullible.

onsighted the moon@
8:30 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life..End of hell, start of fun..Got our hands on our very own psp..seven of us, four different colours..purple pink silver and white..and i seriously think that pink is the best la..haha..

Next, we had lunch and jack's..not bad..

the next stop, we went to somewhere in hougang, supposedly the G2000 warehouse sales..on the way, we were entertained by WC stories on his favorite target, limzy's..we walked through terrace house's..wei en decided that he's should get himself into some trouble..shouted vulgarities at a maid at the balcony as if she did something wrong..when we reach the warehouse sales, we realised that the G2000 sales was over..they decided that it's fox's turn..to make things worst, it's a foxwomen sales..

Vivocity is a place to shop for prom stuff..only if you are as rich as wei en..but in the end..none of us bought things..things there are not very applicable..an impromtu movie is not a very wise choice..especially you dont know what is waiting for you..my recommendation.?The eleventh hour is an IMBA show i tell you..not many will hear of it, i guess..it's something like ha-ha-harry potter..we catch two movies..pro right.?Pi-suke is dam cute.!especially when he speaks..haha..rong jun sure knows how to relax..

RJ left for home and finally, wei en and i can have our er ren shi jie=)bought the same leather shoes, ate the same main course..after dinner, we when into a coffee house, have some iced drinks..i bet the waiters are thinking why the hell are these two gays here tonight..but dont really care..it's the first time that we gave others the wrong impression anyway..

stayed over night at his house..not alone of course..two of us not enough to form megazord..Ltr RJ came and joined the fun..formed the bermuda triangle=)watched borat..although cant really catch what he is saying..but it's very funny..when to bed after that..roughly bout 2 plus..slept in his room..feel so guilty..he had to slp on the sofa in the living room because of me..

quite an interesting and fun day..hope that there are still many of these days coming my way..

onsighted the moon@
8:47 PM

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The words are quite small..But most should know that that is the confirmation slip for the 'A' levels 2007..Those with black lines across them are those which are history..Thos without are papers waiting for me..The best thing that can ever happen on a day with paper is when i take up my black pen and draw a line across it..It signifies the end of a chapter..The feeling is like shiok la..It makes me look forward to days with exams..

today's math paper was like easy..general consenses..when to the toilet a few times because time allows me to..but careless can kill..so i shall still keep my fingers crossed..tmr is econs all the way till the next time when i'll have the chance to draw another stroke on my confirmation slip..

Two more weeks, its ole..Still thinking if i should buy a psp..Should i.?

onsighted the moon@
8:16 PM



D.O.B 09/10/1989
To:Hai Sing Catholic School
Now:Temasek Junior College
@ Climbing Club


2nd:Battlefielding with the club
3rd:To do nth else but slack ard
4th:The feeling of hating nth

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